Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Fat Bottomed Girls

I've been thinking a lot lately about how women who have had babies get a bad rep when it comes to post baby bodies. I think this is a load of crap. I feel and look better now than I did before I got pregnant. I loved my body when I was pregnant and I was surprised by how fast I lost weight after my girl came. That could have been a result of the lack of eating time I had when she first came though. Nonetheless, I feel great. I hope women stop thinking that a baby will ruin them and just enjoy the whole process.

So this brings me to a comment my doc said to me a week or so ago and it has stuck with me. I had a CT scan done of my mid section and my oh so wonderful back muscles, or lack there of, showed up on the scan. The doctor literally said my muscles were puny and that they looked like the muscles of a 60 year old woman rather than a 29 year old woman. I was totally embarrassed. I was informed I should exercise and make sure I include lots of back and abdominal exercises. So I immediately started researching fitness centers in my area and decided I needed to be a body builder. That thought didn't last more than 5 minutes though because I truly do not see how paying a monthly fee to exercise is worth it. All I need is a good pair of sneakers and a pair of weights and I'm good to go. I'd like to start with walking and condition myself enough to run and maybe do a 5K in the near future. That's my goal as of right now. Who's with me?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Diamonds On The Souls Of Her Shoes

Last Saturday I had the MIL watch Sophie and I ventured out with Mr. G and a couple other family members to see Paul Simon perform. I must be honest here and say that I really don't know too much of his solo stuff. Simon & Garfunkel songs sure, but Paul on his own, not so much. Some songs I did know were Rhythym of the Saints, Only Living Boy in New York, Graceland, S&G's Sound of Silence, and the amazing George Harrison's Here Comes the Sun. The only disappointments were that he didn't play that You Can Call Me Al song during one of his two encores and he ended on a slow song. I don't understand why anyone would end on a slow note. I'd rather go out with a bang. Despite my lack of sing along abilities, I though it was a good show. It was good just to get out and bring my family along as well.

And speaking of shows, guess who is coming to town in March???!!! Radiohead! Finally! One of my absolute favorite bands is coming to Austin and I can't wait. I just hope I can get tickets and it doesn't sell out in 2.5 seconds. I'm sure it will but I will be ready at 10am sharp to make my purchase. Another show coming in May is Roger Waters performing The Wall Live. I saw this show last year in Dallas and it was amazing. I hope to make it again this year since it will be coming to Austin. This will be the closest I will ever get to seeing Pink Floyd perform so I will take what I can get. The Wall is a fantastic album and it is the album of choice for my car right now.

Also hoping to go see Morrissey and The Kills in the coming months, but we will see. Hope you enjoyed the sneak peak into my musical calendar!