Wednesday, December 28, 2011

So This Is The New Year....

...and i don't feel any different. Ok, so that is from a song and not entirely true. I do feel different. Time to get down to business.

Ahh 2012. Is the world going to end? I think not, so let's talk about New Year's resolutions. This is a hot topic every year for many people, but how many actually follow through with their own resolutions? I know I'm guilty of not doing so. I decided to switch it up a bit and instead of going along with the most popular choices such as exercisinig more, eating better, quitting smoking, etc. I wanted it to be more personal and this is what I have come up with.

Resolution #1: Be more creative
In my opinion, I don't have a creative bone in my body. One thing that I would love to do with little miss when she is older is to do lots of fun arts and crafts. With a growing child, you can never think of too many things to keep them entertained. Even though I say this every year, I really want to start making homemade gifts. This is the year I promise to do it. I also started to teach myself how to crochet and my goal is to make at least 1 item this year, start to finish.

Resolution # 2: Start a vegetable garden and keep it up
Mr G has started them before and some crops actually did quite well. Then he would go on tour and I would forget about it and it would all die. Same with flowers we planted and any other plant that needed water to live. So come spring, I want to clean up the beds and start planting. Luckily, my family loves vegetables so why not save some money and grow them ourselves. Plus, it will be something new I can research and learn more about. Little miss will start to experiment with different foods soon and I would love to make her food myself. The more fresh veggies I have access to the better.

Resolution # 3: Read more books
This one is simple. I have so many books to read at home. I would like to try and read one book, once a month, then pass it on. Not only will I be exercising my brain, but I will also be recycling and freeing up some much needed space in my home.

This is all I have so far, but I'll be sure to post about other as I think of them. So tell me, what are your New year's resolutions?