Thursday, November 8, 2012

It's A Beautiful Morning

Sometimes I really cherish those early morning wakings.  It gives me a chance to have some "me" time before the rest of my family wakes up.  I have been a morning person for quite a while now.  Night time is pretty much non-existent.  I am so beat at the end of the day between getting up early, working all day, having family time after that, cooking dinner and cleaning up afterwards.  It makes for a long day, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

I've been starting my day off with a hot cup of tea.  It gives me a slight caffeine boost but is so soothing to sip first thing in the morning.  I sit and try to organize my thoughts and the things that need to be done that day.  Each day I try to be as productive as possible, even though that doesn't always happen but I refuse to beat myself up about it.  I also think about what else I can do in the mornings, to get it out of the way for the day, and not cut into precious family time.  This list includes but is not limited to: working out, reading, working on this blog of mine, cleaning :gasp:, etc.  You know, all the maybe not so fun things.  I tend to be most productive in the mornings, so I should take full advantage, right?

On a side note, remember how I said I wanted to finish reading an ENTIRE book in November?  Well, alas, I picked one!

Surprisingly, I am making my way through it pretty easily.  The author has a lot of great points so far that I would like to incorporate into my own life.  I have only read through the January and February chapters:  Boost Energy and Remember Love, but I am taking away a lot of great stuff.  Maybe come January 2013, I will start my own Happiness Project.  Be sure to check out the website or buy the book!  

I'd like to hear from all of you.  What are your mornings like?  Peaceful, productive, hectic, non-existent?  Leave me some love y'all!  


  1. Nice book suggestion - totally digging it and now wanna go check it out! - Melissa S

  2. I'll pass along my copy when I'm finished if you'd like.
