Monday, December 24, 2012

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

Happy Christmas Eve everyone!

So this will probably be my last post of 2012.  I can't believe Christmas is upon us and I managed to get most of my list done from my previous post.

I baked these cookies:  Chocolate Crinkle Kiss Cookies and Cranberry Orange Cookies.  It's amazing how much butter is used in cookies, I'm glad I bought extra!  The crinkle cookies I had some difficulty with, however.  The dough was really soft and sticky so my attempts to roll into balls was not working, so I decided to chill it.  Still didn't work.   Ugh.  So I added more flour.  Still a sticky mess.  I was frustrated and thought I ruined my cookies.  But alas, I used a spoon to scoop and plopped the gooey ball into the powdered sugar and THEN rolled into a half assed ball and baked.  It worked.  I also skipped the Hershey Kiss part because, well, I don't like them :)

Are you needing some last minute Christmas ideas?  I tried to make some gifts this year and it worked out quite well.  I'm hoping to do even more next year.  If you have a little extra time to put things together, you will save quite a bit of money. 

1.  Put it in a jar!  There are seriously so many good ideas on the web that I couldn't pick just one site so Google:  homemade jar gifts.  Everything from cookie and soup mixes, to homemade bath salts and potpourri. 

2.  Put it in a frame!  Printing pictures is pretty inexpensive these days.  I upload mine to my local 1 hour photo and a 4x6 is only about 13 cents.  Buy or make a cool frame and ta-da! 

3.  Here are 100 more ideas!

What are your plans this Christmas?  Feel free to share last minute gift ideas as well, I would love to hear from you.  Happy holidays everyone!! 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

She's Making A List...

The holidays are here!!!  And I am super busy, sorry for the lack of posting.  I'm having a day where all I can think about is sweets: cookies, cake, anything.  Why oh why must the holidays do this to me?  But in the spirit of the holidays it's time for a list and I'm checking it twice. 

Amanda's Holiday To-Do List:

1.  Bake LOTS of cookies
2.  Finish shopping and making holiday gifts. 
3.  Prepare for my trip to NY over New Years.
4.  Continue to take vitamins
5.  Grocery run for Christmas dinner
6.  Clean the house...O.M.G.
7.  Wrap presents
8.  EAT lots of cookies (it is the holidays afterall)
9.  Sweep up all the damn pine needles from the tree for the 10th time this week
10. Have fun and be thankful

I have four days to get it all done. 

On a side note, as I am drinking this delicious Chai Tea latte, I was thinking about how to make this amazing tea drink and found a recipe.  I plan on making it very soon. 

What is everyone up to this holiday season?  Anyone else completing last minute tasks? 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Just a Thought

"Today will never come again.  Be a blessing.  Be a friend.  Encourage someone.  Take time to care.  Let your words heal, and not wound."  Author Unknown.

Take a moment today to reach out to a loved one or friend.  Be kind to one another. 


Thursday, December 6, 2012

The ABC's of Me

Thought I'd do a fun post so y'all could get to know me a little better!  Here are 26 fun facts about me according to the alphabet.  Have a great day!

A is for AGE-I turned the dirty thirty in October but luckily I get to live out my childhood dreams and fantasies through my 1 year old daughter.  Yee haw to that!  But in all seriousness, 30 isn't so bad.  It's the age where you can still dress like a 21 year old and hit the clubs but people will still take you seriously.  I hope.

B is for BREAKFAST today-Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day.  I usually have a delicious breakfast taco WITH salsa (yum!) at work or a warm bowl of oatmeal.  Today I was a slacker and had a couple spoonfuls of cheerios.  Not that exciting I know, but my daughter seemed to like it.

C is for CURRENTLY CRAVING-What am I not craving?  I was telling my mom yesterday that I crave whatever I don't have in the just about everything.  Right now I'm craving a salad though.  Oh, and some fish tacos!  Or sushi, either one will do.  I guess I am needing some veggies and Omega 3's.

D is for DINNER tonight-No idea.  Ugh.  I am indecisive.  A salad perhaps?

E is for favorite type of EXERCISE-Um, really?  None...Serious.  I do not like working out.  But to answer the question I will say walking.  Or swimming.  I walk more than any other exercise, but it still counts right?

F is for FAVE FOOD-EVERYTHING!!!  Sushi is going to top this list though.  I am always thinking about the next time I will eat sushi.  Mr. G still owes me a date...I will also say sandwiches.  I love sandwiches of all kinds.  Italian mixed subs, reubens, monte cristos, gyros.  Any anything Italian.  Chicken Parm, I love thee.  Oh my, I am so hungry now.

G is for GROSS food-hmmmm, I do not like wasabi peas.  I refuse to eat the organs of an animal, so move over liver and onions.  And cottage cheese.  Yuck, yuck and yuck.

H is for HOMETOWN-Troy what?!  Born and raised in Troy, NY.  I lived there for 22 years and have lots of great memories.  And yes, I am gangsta.

I is for something IMPORTANT-Family.  This has been the most important thing to me these days.  Oh, and my iPhone....hehe.

J is for favorite JAM-Band on the Run by Wings and anything by Neil Young.  I have an old soul, what can I say?

K is for KARAOKE-Never done it.  It's a shame, I KNOW!  And the funny thing is that I love to sing. I'll put it on my bucket list, happy now?  And I would sing Sweet Child of Mine by GNR.  Yes.

L is for LUXE-Mr. G should be a happy husband that I do not spend thousands of dollars on clothes each year.  I would rather spend my money on tacos at The Peached Tortilla or Whole Foods.  I.AM.A.NERD.

M is for MUFFINS-Anything with cinnamon chips or chocolate.  I don't eat muffins very often, I prefer scones.  I just had a yummy chocolate chip scone from Whole Foods the other day.  I need to learn how to make them....but not gain weight....maybe one day.

N is for something you NEED-A day off.  I'd like to be able to sleep in, cook and bake, without any distractions, and read a book.  Yes, Christmas is coming hint hint.

O is for OCCUPATION-Thank you for calling State Farm Auto Claims, how may I help you today?  I am a claim rep and investigate auto accidents.  Detective G in the hizzouse.

P is for PET PEEVE-I have a lot so I'll narrow it down to a couple.  Clipping your finger nails within 20 feet of me, not putting on your turn signal, and talking on your cell phone while driving.  Get with it people!

Q is for QUOTE-I've referenced if before and I'll do it again.  "If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything."  Be your own person, it is so important.

R is for RUNNING-Running?  What is that?

S is for favorite SNACK-Veggies dipped in ranch dressing, cereal (not just a breakfast food), yogurt.  I snack  But at least I try to stick with healthier options.  Really need that salad...

T is for favorite TREAT-I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM!  I love it and want more of it.  Anything with sugar really.  I love baked goods, more than the average person.

U is for something that makes you UNIQUE-I'm a red headed (natural blonde), cooking and singing gal (google Brown Meat-Waterfalls, I swear it's me), who can make a mean Shrimp and Grits and I'm not even from the South.

V is for favorite VEGETABLE-Bok Choy and zucchini....I.WANT.STIRFRY!!!

W is for today's WORKOUT-Gosh, if I realized there would be questions related to exercising I may have passed.  Um, let me get back to you on that.  Probably running around the grocery store.

X is for XRAYS you've had-Teeth, CT scan of back and abdomen, KUB xray of the kidneys, ureter and bladder.  Don't worry, I'm still pretty healthy :)

Y is for YESTERDAYS highlight-Finishing work and hanging out with my daughter the rest of the night.  She always puts a smile on my face and I love making her laugh.  Also getting to see Mr. G on FaceTime!

Z is for your favorite animal at the ZOO-Monkeys!  They are so cute and so smart I just want to squeeze them.  Zoos make me a little sad, but the Waco zoo seemed cool.

Monday, December 3, 2012

December Goals

It's the beginning of the month and you know what that means...monthly goal time.  I havent really given much thought about this month's goals because Christmas is on the brain of course, but here goes nothing.

1.  Do Not Procrastinate on Xmas Shopping/Gifting-I always tend to wait until the last minute to get my butt in gear.  I finished getting Little Miss her things, which are all things she needs by the way.  My problem is that I never have any idea what to get anyone, I am going to make a list, check it twice, and get moving on putting things together.  I am hoping to not "shop" as much this year and "make" more. 

2.  Create a holiday tradition with Little Miss-I don't want my daughter growing up relating the holidays with only presents.  Sure, presents are nice, everyone loves presents.  But I want it to mean something more.  I know she is young now, but I guess I can start planning.  I want to show her that the holidays are about spending time with family, cooking a good meal, baking holiday treats, and just being kind to each other.  I also want to get involved with a charity, donate items to Goodwill, or do some kind of volunteer work.  I have always loved giving and doing what I can to help others and I hope Little Miss learns that too. 

3.  Walk-I was on a good walking kick for a while there but then got a little lazy so I need to start up again.  I'd like to clock at least 40-60 minutes of walking each day.   I think this is doable. 

4.  Plan out weekly meals- I am SO BAD at this and really need to get into a routine.  Any suggestions?? 

That's all I have so far...Feel free to share your monthly goals with me!